

A "Weighmaster" is a person licensed by the California Division of Measurements Standards (DMS) to certify the weighed, measured, or counted quantity of any bulk commodity. Weighmasters issue certificates documenting the quantity that is used as the basis of a sale. The certificates issued by weighmasters are recognized by courts of law as legal documents, and there are criteria that must be followed by weighmasters when issuing them.

Weighmaster activities are monitored and compliance is verified through the utilization of routine record audits, tare verifications, and occasional test sales or purchases. Diverse businesses are often licensed as weighmasters, including wineries, cement plants, scrap metal yards, dairy co-ops, moving and storage companies, livestock dealers, quarries, and feed mills. Shasta County Weights and Measures officials inspect issued weighmaster certificates to ensure correctness. We also provide training when needed.

Weighmaster FAQs

The DMV has told me I need to have my truck weighed, where can I go in Shasta County?

Answer: View list of Weighmasters in Shasta County.