Shasta County Elections Commission


Commission Members:

District 1 appointee:  Margaret Hansen, Vice-Chair
District 2 appointee:  Vacant
District 3 appointee:  Vacant
District 4 appointee:  Patty Plumb, Commissioner
District 5 appointee:  Ronnean Lund, Chair


The Shasta County Elections Commission was established via Ordinance No. SCC 2023-07 in accordance with Government Code section 25201.  The purpose of the Commission is to advise and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on all elections-related activities in Shasta County.  The Commission shall:  have access to places and records necessary to implement their delegated duties; observe, inspect, and examine elections related records and documents for accuracy and completely; may make copies of public records for reporting purposes or make notes based on such records; tour and observe Elections department and Registrar of Voters facilities during, before or after the election period; ask questions of elections officials and receive timely answers; review how election updates are reported to the public; and review in depth voter and vote recordkeeping processes.  

Meetings follow the Brown Act and are open to the public.


The Commission replaced the Citizens Election Advisory Committee, which was established via Resolution No. 2023-099.  For records pertaining to the Citizens Elections Advisory Committee, click here.

Commission Documents

Adopted Meeting Calendars

Commission Bylaws

2024 Meeting Calendar (last updated June 14, 2024) Commission Bylaws (last updated February 2024)


To contact the Commission :


Current ad hoc committees of the Commission

  • Commissioners Lund and Plumb - Review and investigate election issues, including but not limited to issues concerning poll pads, and report back to the Committee at a future date with recommendations to present to the Board of Supervisors.
    • Formed 10/23/23.  Amended membership and purpose 6/14/24.
  • Commissioners Plumb and Hansen – Investigate election data and issues, including those presented by Dr. Hobbs, and return with a report at a future Commission meeting with recommendations to present to the Board of Supervisors.
    • Formed 11/20/23. Amended membership 6/14/24.
  • Commissioner Lund – Formulate questions to County Counsel pertaining to Public Records Act requests, including sections 3, 4, 5, and 18 of the information submitted by Richard Gallardo at the November 20, 2023, Committee meeting, as well as including formal complaints and Public Records Act request documentation to be gathered by Commissioner Lund and forwarded to County Counsel, and report back to the Committee at a future date with recommendations to present to the Board of Supervisors. 
    • Formed 12/4/23. Amended membership and purpose 6/14/24.
  • Commissioners Lund and Plumb – examine the voter rolls and report back to the Committee at a future date with recommendations to present to the Board of Supervisors.
    • Formed 12/4/23.  Amended membership 6/14/24.
  • Commissioners Lund and Plumb - work with the elections office on poll worker/observer training.
    • Formed 3/25/24.  Amended membership 6/14/24.
  • Commissioners Lund and Plumb - look into Chain of Custody issues and prepare draft recommendations for the Commission to consider approving for Board consideration at a future Commission meeting.
    • Formed 3/25/24.  Amended membership 6/14/24.
  • Commissioner Lund - look into increased pay for poll workers.
    • Formed 3/25/24.  Amended membership 6/14/24.

    Commissioners Lund and Plumb -  research one-day voting and prepare draft recommendations for the Commission to consider approving, for Board of Supervisors consideration at a future Commission meeting.

    • Formed 4/22/24.  Amended membership 6/14/24.
  • Commissioners Lund and Hansen - draft a request for canceled voter rolls to the Secretary of the State.
    • Formed 4/22/24.  Amended membership and purpose 6/14/24.


Shasta County Elections Commission Agendas and Minutes

Audio Recordings of Meetings

Audio recordings of the Shasta County Elections Commission meetings will be kept for a minimum of 30 days, pursuant to Government Code section 54953.5.  Audio recordings are listed below and are in MP3/MP4 formats.  Certain devices may not be able to play MP4 files, specifically Apple iPhones or iPads.  If you encounter this issue, please try on an Android device or a computer.

Please note:  Audio recordings will be published online no later than the end of the day on the Friday following the meeting.




Citizens Election Advisory Committee records

Superseded by the Shasta County Elections Commission, effective January 4, 2024.

Adopted Meeting Calendars

Citizens Election Advisory Committee Agendas and Minutes


Audio Recordings of Meetings

Audio recordings of the Citizens Election Advisory Committee meetings will be kept for a minimum of 30 days, pursuant to Government Code section 54953.5.  Audio recordings are listed below and are in MP3/MP4 formats.    Certain devices may not be able to play MP4 files, specifically Apple iPhones or iPads.  If you encounter this issue, please try on an Android device or a computer.