Psychiatric Advance Directives (PADs) Pilot Program Helping to Reduce Recidivism in Shasta County

Shasta County is proud to be participating in the Multi-County PADs Project, a pilot program for Psychiatric Advance Directives (PADs). PADs are self-directed legal documents that detail an individual’s specific instructions or preferences for future mental health treatment. These directives are particularly valuable for those who may experience acute episodes of psychiatric illness, during which they might lose the capacity to give or withhold informed consent to treatment.

By implementing PADs, individuals can retain their decision-making capacity even during mental health crises. They can choose trusted agents to advocate for their choices, ensuring that their treatment preferences are respected and followed. This proactive approach not only empowers individuals but also provides vital, in-the-moment information that can prevent unnecessary incarcerations and hospitalizations, thereby averting potential tragedies.

The benefits of PADs within our community are significant. These directives can be utilized in jails or emergency room settings, offering crucial, individualized information that can reduce the recidivism of incarcerations and hospitalizations. Additionally, PADs support recovery efforts and provide cost-effective solutions to mental health crises, ultimately contributing to the well-being of our community.

PADs represents a forward-thinking approach to mental health care, aiming to provide proper care for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis and thereby bettering the entire community.  Since the 1990's, 27 states have enacted laws supporting PADs. Seeing the positive impact through this pilot program, we hope to see PADs receive state wide adoption in California in the coming years. 

To learn more about PADs, see the attached presentation video and document given by Concepts Forward Consulting at the July 2, 2024, Board of Supervisors Meeting, and visit