Reflecting on Legacy: Julie Hope, Economic Mobility Deputy Branch Director, Retires After Over 30 Years of Dedication to Shasta County


December 21, 2023 - Where were you in 1994? A few hallmarks of the mid-1990’s era include: Amazon founded by Jeff Bezos, Disney’s The Lion King released to wide critic and audience acclaim, PBS’ The Magic School Bus debuted, and the World Series was canceled for the first time in 90 years.

Also in 1994, a brand new employee started as an Eligibility Worker with Shasta County; Julie Hope. Over her illustrious 30-year career, Julie rose through the ranks as a dedicated, kind, and compassionate professional, dedicated to serving the residents of Shasta County, streamlining processes and procedures, and encouraging collaboration between stakeholders, wherever possible.

Instead of rehashing her entire career, I’ll just say, I’m confident that I would not be where I am today without the years of guidance, training, and support Julie was always more than happy to provide. This sentiment is shared by the hundreds if not thousands of coworkers and other employees Julie has interacted with over the past three decades.

Congratulations on your retirement Julie! Your work is deeply appreciated, and you will be missed. Thank you for your years of dedication; we are confident, the contributions you have made to Shasta County and its residents far outweigh anything you have received.

“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.” – Emily Dickenson

Stewart Buettell 
Deputy County Executive Officer
Shasta County Administrative Office

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Julie Hope