At-Home Plan Approved by Board of Supervisors

at home

The Accountability, Transparency, Housing, Outreach, Mitigation, Economic Opportunity (AT HOME) Plan is designed to be a collaborative effort which recognizes that local officials understand local challenges and are best equipped to develop local solutions that work for their residents. The AT HOME Plan allows for the development of a collaborative local plan to address homelessness in Shasta County. The County of Shasta, City of Redding, City of Anderson, and Shasta Lake City are determined to work together and with state and local partners to develop and implement a local plan to help those who are unhoused or at risk of becoming unhoused locally.

On April 18, 2023, the Board endorsed a letter of support for the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) AT HOME Plan, which is the comprehensive approach to effectively and equitability address homelessness in California.

On June 20, 2023, the Board appointed Supervisors Crye and Jones to the ad-hoc Steering Committee, which also consists of CEO David Rickert, HHSA Agency Director Laura Burch, City Managers from Redding, Anderson, and Shasta Lake and two City Council member appointees from each of these cities.

On December 14, 2023, the Steering Committee met and finalized a strategic plan, and each agency is taking it back to their respective governing bodies for consideration and adoption.

The ad-hoc committee unofficially dubbed itself the AT HOME Shasta Committee in reference to the California State Association of Counties AT HOME Plan. The Committee met several times with the first meetings dedicated to information sharing, education and setting expectations. The outcome of these sessions is the Action Plan (Plan). It is important recognize that this Plan is not inclusive of all activities and efforts that are, or will be, taking place in attempting to assist those who are without homes. Instead, it is an attempt to start a process to bring consistency, unity, cooperation, and collaboration to the forefront.

As part of the Committee’s work, five sub-committees were formed addressing issues around homelessness in conjunction with Law Enforcement, Outreach, Continuum of Care, Case Management and Shelter. While many good topics rose out of these subcommittees, there were consistent themes such as the need for a day resource center, better coordination, more outreach, and shelter of all types. Based on this, the plan focuses on five objectives: Fiscal Responsibility; Homeless Management Information System; Navigation/Day Resource Center; Choice, Accountability, Incentives and Crime; and Focus. Objective one goal is to maximize funding to have the greatest impact on the community. Objectives two and three have directives to produce outcomes whereas the  last two objectives are intended to drive collaboration and the development of a road map to assist in the allocation of current and future funding.

This Plan will be presented to the City Councils of Shasta Lake and Anderson as well as the Redding City Council, all of which have participated on the Committee. Should all Shasta County local governments endorse this plan, it will provide a clear message that our community is working together to assist those experiencing homelessness and that we are dedicated to helping those in need in the most efficient, productive, and cost-effective way.